Leaders of Brazil
(Federative Republic of Brazil)
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Look for biographies of the leaders (in Spanish) at CIDOB website. The site Rulers lists the governors of the states, in two parts, from A to M and from P to Z.

Late parties: ARENA: National Renewal Alliance (1966-1979) - MDB: Brazilian Democratic Movement (old, 1966-1979) - PDC: Christian Democratic Party (1945-1965/1985-1993 > PPR) PDS: Democratic Social Party (1980-1993 > PPR) - PFL: Party of the Liberal Front (1985-2007 > DEM) - PP: Progressive Party (old, 1993-1995 > PPB) - PPR: Progressive Reform Party (1993-1995 > PPB) - PRN: Party for National Reconstruction (1989-2000 > PTC) - PRONA: Party for Rebuilding of the National Order (1989-2006 > PR) - PSB: Brazilian Socialist Party (old, 1947-1965) - PSD: Social Democratic Party (old, 1945-1965) - PSD: Social Democratic Party (new, 1990-2002 > PTB) - PSP: Progressive Social Party (1945-1965) - PST: Labour Social Party (1988-1993 > PP) - PTB: Brazilian Labour Party (old, 1945-1965) - PTR: Renovating Labour Party (1985-1993 > PP) - UDN: National Democratic Union (1945-1965) -

Current parties: APB: Alliance of Brazil (protoparty, 2019) - DEM: Democrats (2007) - MDB: Brazilian Democratic Movement (new, 1980, called Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement, PMDB, to 2017) - PCdoB: Communist Party of Brazil (1962/1988) - PDT: Democratic Labour Party (1980) - PL: Liberal Party (1985-2006 and 2019-, called Party of the Republic, PR, in 2006-2019) - PPS: Popular Socialist Party (1992) - Progressistas: (1995, called Brazilian Progressive Party, PPB, in 1995-2003 and Progressive Party, PP (new), in 2003-2017) PRTB: Brazilian Labour Renewal Party (1994) - PSB: Brazilian Socialist Party (new, 1985) - PSC: Social Christian Party (1985) - PSDB: Party of the Brazilian Social Democracy (1988) - PSL: Social Liberal Party (1994) - PSOL: Socialism and Freedom Party (2004) - PT: Workers' Party (1980) - PTB: Brazilian Labour Party (new, 1980) - PTC: Christian Labour Party (2000) - PTN: National Labour Party (1997) - PV: Green Party (1986) - REDE: Sustainability Network (2013) - Republicanos: (2019, called Brazilian Republican Party, PRB, in 2003-2019)

Presidents of the Republic
Getúlio Dornelles Vargas               3 Nov 1930 - 29 Oct 1945 (†1954) n/p (1)
José Linhares                         29 Oct 1945 - 31 Jan 1946 (†1957) n/p           
Eurico Gaspar Dutra                   31 Jan 1946 - 31 Jan 1951 (†1974) military/PSD       
Getúlio Dornelles Vargas              31 Jan 1951 - 24 Aug 1954 (†1954) PTB           
João Fernandes de Campos Café (Filho) 24 Aug 1954 - 31 Jan 1956 (†1970) PTB           
 Carlos Coimbra da Luz                 9 Nov 1954 - 11 Nov 1955 (†1961) PSD (acting for Café)
 Nereu de Oliveira Ramos              11 Nov 1955 - 31 Jan 1956 (†1958) PSD (acting for Café)
Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira      31 Jan 1956 - 31 Jan 1961 (†1976) PSD           
Jânio da Silva Quadros                31 Jan 1961 - 25 Aug 1961 (†1992) PDC
Pascoal Ranieri Mazzilli              25 Aug 1961 -  7 Sep 1961 (†1975) PSD (caretaker)
João Belchior Marques Goulart          7 Sep 1961    2 Apr 1964 (†1976) PTB           
Pascoal Ranieri Mazzilli               2 Apr 1964 - 15 Apr 1964 (†1975) PSD (caretaker)
Humberto de Alencar Castello Branco   15 Apr 1964 - 15 Mar 1967 (†1967) military           
Artur da Costa e Silva                15 Mar 1967 - 14 Oct 1969 (†1969) military
           -- Triunvirate --          14 Oct 1969 - 30 Oct 1969         military (2)  
Emílio Garrastazú Médici              30 Oct 1969 - 15 Mar 1974 (†1985) military/ARENA
Ernesto (Beckmann) Geisel             15 Mar 1974 - 15 Mar 1979 (†1996) military/ARENA
João Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo  15 Mar 1979 - 15 Mar 1985 (†1999) military/ARENA, PDS
José Sarney de Araújo Costa           15 Mar 1985 - 15 Mar 1990         PMDB (3)
Fernando Affonso Collor de Mello      15 Mar 1990 - 29 Dec 1992         PRN (4)          
Itamar Augusto Cautiero Franco        29 Dec 1992 -  1 Jan 1995 (†2011) n/p (4)
Fernando Henrique Silva Cardoso        1 Jan 1995 -  1 Jan 2003         PSDB     
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva              1 Jan 2003 -  1 Jan 2011         PT
Dilma Vana Rousseff                    1 Jan 2011 - 31 Aug 2016         PT (5)
Michel Miguel Elias Temer Lulia       12 May 2016 -  1 Jan 2019         PMDB, MDB (acting to 31 Aug 2016) (5)
Jair Messias Bolsonaro                 1 Jan 2019 -  1 Jan 2023         PSL, APB, PL
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva              1 Jan 2023 -                     PT


(1) Getúlio Vargas ruled as chief of the Provisional Government until 20 Jul 1934.
(2) Military Triunvirate made by the ministers of the Army, the Navy and the Air Forces, namely: Admiral Augusto Hamann Rademaker Grünewald (†1985), Army General Aurélio de Lyra Tavares (†1998) and Air Marshal Márcio de Souza e Mello (†1991).
(3) From 15 Mar to 21 Apr 1985 Vice President José Sarney acted as President as the elected President, Tancredo de Almeida Neves (PMDB), being incapacitated, could not take office. Neves died on 21 Apr and one day later, upon approval of the Congress, Sarney took the presidential office definitively.
(4) The Chamber of Deputies voted to begin impeachment proceedings against President Fernando Collor de Mello and suspended him in office on 29 Sep 1992. The Chamber elected Vice President Itamar Franco President of the Republic in acting capacity on 2 Oct. On 29 Dec. Collor resigned and Franco became the incumbent President.
(5) The Chamber of Deputies, on 17 Apr 2016, and then the Senate, on 12 May 2016, voted to begin impeachment proceedings against president Dilma Rousseff and suspended her in office up to 180 days; in the meantime, the Vice President of the Republic, Michel Temer, ruled as acting President. On 31 Aug 2016 the Senate voted to impeach Rousseff, who was definitively removed from office, and Temer became the incumbent President.

Vice Presidents of the Republic
Nereu de Oliveira Ramos               1946-1951 (†1958) PSD
João Fernandes de Campos Café (Filho) 1951-1954 (†1970) PTB
João Belchior Marques Goulart         1956-1961 (†1976) PTB
José Maria de Alkmim                  1964-1967 (†1974) ARENA
Pedro Aleixo                          1967-1969 (†1975) ARENA 
Augusto Hamann Rademaker Grünewald    1969-1974 (†1985) military/ARENA
Adalberto Pereira dos Santos          1974-1979 (†1984) military/ARENA
Antônio Aureliano Chaves de Mendonça  1979-1985 (†2003) ARENA, PDS, PFL
José Sarney de Araújo Costa           1985              PMDB
Itamar Augusto Cautiero Franco        1990-1992 (†2011) PRN
Marco Antônio de Oliveira Maciel      1995-2003 (†2021) PFL
José de Alencar Gomes da Silva        2003-2011 (†2011) PL, PRB
Michel Miguel Elias Temer Lulia       2011-2016         PMDB 
Antônio Hamilton Martins Mourão       2019-2023         PRTB     
Geraldo José Rodrigues Alckmin        2023-             PSDB

Prime ministers
Tancredo de Almeida Neves             1961-1962 (†1985) PSD
Francisco de Paula Brochado da Rocha  1962      (†1962) PSD
Hermes Lima                           1962-1963 (†1978) PTB

Chairmen of the Chamber of Deputies
Honório Fernandes Monteiro            1946-1948 (†1968) PSD
Samuel Vital Duarte                   1948-1949 (†1979) PSD
Carlos Cirilo (Júnior)                1949-1951 (†1965) PSD
Nereu de Oliveira Ramos               1951-1955 (†1958) PSD 
Carlos Coimbra da Luz                 1955      (†1961) PSD
José Antônio Flores da Cunha          1955-1956 (†1959) UDN (acting) 
Ulysses Silveira Guimarães            1956-1958 (†1992) PSD
Pascoal Ranieri Mazzilli              1958-1965 (†1975) PSD
Olavo Billac Pinto                    1965-1966 (†1985) ARENA 
Adauto Lúcio Cardoso                  1966      (†1974) ARENA
João Baptista Ramos                   1966-1968 (†2002) ARENA (acting to 1967)
José Bonifácio Lafayette de Andrada   1969-1970 (†1976) ARENA
Geraldo Freire da Silva               1970-1971 (†2002) ARENA
Ernesto Pereira Lopes                 1971-1973 (†1993) ARENA
Flávio Portela Marcílio               1973-1975 (†1992) ARENA 
Célio de Oliveira Borja               1975-1977         ARENA
Marco Antônio de Oliveira Maciel      1977-1979 (†2021) ARENA
Flávio Portela Marcílio               1979-1981 (†1992) ARENA, PDS
Nélson Marchezan                      1981-1983 (†2002) PDS
Flávio Portela Marcílio               1983-1985 (†1992) PDS	
Ulysses Silveira Guimarães            1985-1989 (†1992) PMDB
Antônio Paes de Andrade               1989-1991 (†2015) PMDB
Ibsen Valls Pinheiro                  1991-1993 (†2020) PMDB
Inocêncio Gomes de Oliveira           1993-1995         PFL
Luís Eduardo Maron de Magalhães       1995-1997 (†1998) PFL 
Michel Miguel Elias Temer Lulia       1997-2001         PMDB
Aécio Neves da Cunha                  2001-2003         PSDB
João Paulo Cunha                      2003-2005         PT
Severino José Cavalcanti Ferreira     2005              PP
José Thomaz da Silva Nonô Netto       2005              PFL (acting)
José Aldo Rebelo Figueiredo           2005-2007         PCdoB
Arlindo Chinaglia (Junior)            2007-2009         PT
Michel Miguel Elias Temer Lulia       2009-2010         PMDB
Marco Aurelio Spall Maia              2010-2013         PT
Henrique Eduardo Lyra Alves           2013-2015         PMDB
Eduardo Cosentino da Cunha            2015-2016         PMDB 
Waldir Maranhão Cardoso               2016              PP (interim)
Rodrigo Felinto Ibarra Epitácio Maia  2016-2021         DEM
Arthur César Pereira de Lira          2021-             PP

Chairmen of the Federal Senate
Nereu de Oliveira Ramos               1946-1951 (†1958) PSD 
João Fernandes de Campos Café (Filho) 1951-1954 (†1970) PTB
Alexandre Marcondes Machado (Filho)   1954-1955 (†1974) PTB (acting)
Nereu de Oliveira Ramos               1955      (†1958) PSD (acting) 
Apolônio Jorge de Farias Salles       1955-1956 (†1982) PSD (acting)   
João Belchior Marques Goulart         1956-1961 (†1976) PTB
Auro Soares de Moura Andrade          1961-1968 (†1982) PSD
Gilberto Marinho                      1968      (†1985) ARENA
João Cleophas de Oliveira             1970-1971 (†1987) ARENA 
Petrônio Portella Nunes               1971-1973 (†1980) ARENA
Filinto Strubling Müller              1973      (†1973) ARENA
Paulo Francisco Torres                1973-1975 (†2000) ARENA
José de Magalhães Pinto               1975-1977 (†1996) ARENA
Petrônio Portella Nunes               1977-1979 (†1980) ARENA
Luiz Viana (Filho)                    1979-1981 (†1990) ARENA, PDS
Jarbas Gonçalves Passarinho           1981-1983 (†2016) PDS
Nilo de Souza Coelho                  1983      (†1983) PDS
Moacyr Dalla                          1983-1984 (†2006) PDS
José Manoel Fontanillas Fragelli      1984-1987 (†2010) PMDB
Humberto Coutinho de Lucena           1987-1989 (†1998) PMDB
Nélson de Sousa Carneiro              1989-1991 (†1996) PMDB
Carlos Mauro Cabral Benevides         1991-1993         PMDB
Humberto Coutinho de Lucena           1993-1995 (†1998) PMDB
José Sarney de Araújo Costa           1995-1997         PMDB
Antônio Carlos Peixoto de Magalhães   1997-2001 (†2007) PFL
Jáder Fontenelle Barbalho             2001              PMDB
Ramez Tebet                           2001-2003 (†2006) PMDB
José Sarney de Araújo Costa           2003-2005         PMDB
José Renan Vasconcelos Calheiros      2005-2007         PMDB
Garibaldi Alves (Filho)               2007-2009         PMDB
José Sarney de Araújo Costa           2009-2013         PMDB
José Renan Vasconcelos Calheiros      2013-2017         PMDB
Eunício Lopes de Oliveira             2017-2019         PMDB, MDB
David Samuel Alcolumbre Tobelem       2019-2021         DEM
Rodrigo Otavio Soares Pacheco         2021-             DEM

Ministers of External Relations
Pedro Leão Velloso                    1944-1946 (†1947)
João Neves da Fontoura                1946      (†1963)
Samuel de Souza Leão Gracie           1946      (†1967) (acting)
Raul Fernandes                        1946-1951 (†1968)
João Neves da Fontoura                1951-1953 (†1963)
Mário de Pimentel Brandão             1953      (†1956)
Vicente Ráo                           1953-1954 (†1978)
Raul Fernandes                        1954-1955 (†1968)
José Carlos de Macedo Soares          1955-1958 (†1968)
Francisco Negrão de Lima              1958-1959 (†1981)
Horácio Lafer                         1959-1961 (†1965)
Afonso Arinos de Mello Franco         1961      (†1990)
Francisco de San Tiago Dantas         1961-1962 (†1964)
Afonso Arinos de Mello Franco         1962      (†1990)
Hermes Lima                           1962-1963 (†1978)
Evandro Cavalcânti Lins e Silva       1963      (†2002) 
João Augusto de Araújo Castro         1963-1964 (†1975)
Vasco Tristão Leitão da Cunha         1964-1966 (†1984)
Juracy Montenegro Magalhães           1966-1967 (†2001)
José de Magalhães Pinto               1967-1969 (†1996)
Mário Gibson Alves Barboza            1969-1974 (†2007)
Antônio Azeredo da Silveira           1974-1979 (†1990)
Ramiro Elísio Saraiva Guerreiro       1979-1985 (†2011)
Olavo Egydio de Sousa Aranha Setúbal  1985-1986 (†2008)
Roberto Costa de Abreu Sodré          1986-1990 (†1999)
José Francisco Rezek                  1990-1992        
Celso Lafer                           1992              
Fernando Henrique Silva Cardoso       1992-1993 
Luiz Felipe Palmeira Lampreia         1993      (†2016) (acting)
Celso Luiz Nunes Amorim               1993-1995         
Luiz Felipe Palmeira Lampreia         1995-2001 (†2016)        
Luiz Felipe de Seixas Corrêa          2001              (acting)          
Celso Lafer                           2001-2003         
Celso Luiz Nunes Amorim               2003-2011
Antonio de Aguiar Patriota            2011-2013
Luiz Alberto Figueiredo Machado       2013-2015
Mauro Luiz Lecker Vieira              2015-2016
José Serra                            2016-2017
Marcos Bezerra Abbott Galvão          2017              (interim)  
Aloysio Nunes Ferreira (Filho)        2017-2019
Ernesto Henrique Fraga Araújo         2019-2021  
Carlos Alberto Franco França          2021-2023
Mauro Luiz Iecker Vieira              2023-              

Defeated presidential candidates
1945  2nd Eduardo Gomes                          UDN   (†1981)        
      3rd Iedo Fiúza                             PCB   (†1975)

1950  2nd Eduardo Gomes                          UDN   (†1981)
      3rd Cristiano Machado                      PSD   (†1953)

1955  2nd Juarez do Nascimento Fernandes Távora  UDN   (†1975)
      3rd Adhemar Pereira de Barros              PSP   (†1969)

1960  2nd Henrique Batista Duffles Teixeira Lott UDN   (†1984)
      3rd Adhemar Pereira de Barros              PSP   (†1969) 

1989  2nd Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva              PT
      3rd Leonel de Moura Brizola                PDT   (†2004)     
      4th Mário Covas (Júnior)                   PSDB  (†2001)

1994  2nd Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva              PT
      2rd Enéas Ferreira Carneiro                PRONA (†2007)
      4th Orestes Quércia                        PMDB  (†2010)

1998  2nd Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva              PT
      3rd Ciro Ferreira Gomes                    PPS  
      4th Enéas Ferreira Carneiro                PRONA (†2007)

2002  2nd José Serra                             PSDB
      3rd Anthony W. Garotinho de Oliveira       PSB
      4th Ciro Ferreira Gomes                    PPS

2006  2nd Geraldo José Rodrigues Alckmin         PSDB
      3rd Heloísa Helena Lima de Moraes          PSOL
      4th Cristovam R. Cavalcanti Buarque        PDT

2010  2nd José Serra                             PSDB
      3rd Maria Osmarina Marina Silva            PV   
      4th Plinio Soares de Arruda Sampaio        PSOL

2014  2nd Aécio Neves da Cunha                   PSDB
      3rd Maria Osmarina Marina Silva            PSB
      4th Luciana Krebs Genro                    PSOL 

2018  2nd Fernando Haddad                        PT
      3rd Ciro Ferreira Gomes                    PDT
      4th Geraldo José Rodrigues Alckmin         PSDB

2022  2nd Jair Messias Bolsonaro                 PL
      3rd Simone Nassar Tebet                    MDB
      4th Ciro Ferreira Gomes                    PDT

Presidents of PT
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva        1980-1987 
Olívio de Oliveira Dutra         1987-1990 
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva        1990-1995 
José Dirceu de Oliveira e Silva  1995-2002  
José Genoino Guimarães Neto      2002-2005      
Tarso Fernando Herz Genro        2005      (interim)
Ricardo José Ribeiro Berzoini    2005-2006 
Marco Aurélio Garcia             2006-2007 (interim)
Ricardo José Ribeiro Berzoini    2007-2010
José Eduardo de Barros Dutra     2010-2011 (†2015)
Rui Goethe da Costa Falcão       2011-2017
Gleisi Helena Hoffmann           2017-

PT was founded on 10 Feb 1980 (registered 11 Feb 1982).

Presidents of PFL, DEM
Salvador Jorge Konder Bornhausen      1985-1986 
Guilherme Gracindo Soares Palmeira    1986-1987 (†2020)
Marco Antônio de Oliveira Maciel      1987-1989 (†2021)
Hugo Napoleão do Rego Neto            1989-1993 
Salvador Jorge Konder Bornhausen      1993-2007
Rodrigo Felinto Ibarra Epitácio Maia  2007-2011 
José Agripino Maia                    2011-2018
Antônio Carlos Magalhães Neto         2018-

PFL was founded on 24 Jan 1985 (registered 11 Sep 1986) by splinters of PDS. The party was declared extinct and replaced by the new DEM on 28 Mar 2007.

Presidents of MDB, PMDB, MDB
Oscar Passos                     1966-1972 (†1994)
Ulysses Silveira Guimarães       1972-1991 (†1992)
Orestes Quércia                  1991-1993 (†2010)
Luiz Henrique da Silveira        1993-1995 (†2015)
Antônio Paes de Andrade          1995-1998 (†2015)
Jáder Fontenelle Barbalho        1998-2001 
Luís Alberto Maguito Vilela      2001      (†2021) (interim)
Michel Miguel Elias Temer Lulia  2001-2016
 Valdir Raupp de Matos           2011-2016 (acting for Temer)
Romero Jucá (Filho)              2016-2019      
Luiz Felipe Baleia Tenuto Rossi  2019-  

MDB was founded on 24 Mar 1966 to serve as the opposition party in the two-party system established by the military regime. MDB was disbanded by decree on 27 Nov 1979 with a view of reintroducing the multiparty system and the new PMDB was founded on 15 Jan 1980 (registered 30 Jun 1981). The party adopted the old MDB name on 19 Dec 2017.

Presidents of PSDB
André Franco Montoro             1989-1991 (†1999)
Tasso Ribeiro Jereissati         1991-1994 
João Pimenta da Veiga (Filho)    1994-1995 
Artur da Távola                  1995-1996 (†2008)
Teotônio Brandão Vilela (Filho)  1996-2001 
José Aníbal Peres de Pontes      2001-2003
José Serra                       2003-2005 
Eduardo Brandão de Azeredo       2005  
Tasso Ribeiro Jereissati         2005-2007 
Severino Sérgio Estelita Guerra  2007-2013 (†2014)
Aécio Neves da Cunha             2013-2017
Carlos Henrique Focesi Sampaio   2017      (interim)
Geraldo José Rodrigues Alckmin   2017-2019
Bruno Cavalcanti de Araújo       2019-

PSDB was founded on 25 Jun 1988 (registered 24 Aug 1989) by splinters of PMDB.

Presidents of PDS, PPR, PPB, PP, Progressistas
José Sarney de Araújo Costa        1983-1984 
Paulo Salim Maluf                  1984-1993 
Espiridião Amin Helou (Filho)      1993-1997 
Paulo Salim Maluf                  1997-2003 
Pedro da Silva Corrêa de Oliveira  2003-2005    
Nélio Silveira Dias                2005-2007 (†2007)
Francisco Oswaldo Neves Dornelles  2007-2013 (†2023)
Ciro Nogueira Lima (Filho)         2013-

History: ARENA party is launched on 4 Apr 1966 by former members of two parties disbanded by military decree effective on 27 Oct 1965: UDN (founded 7 Apr 1945) and PSD (founded 17 Jul 1945); ARENA ceases to exist on 29 Nov 1979; former ARENA members founded the PDS on 31 Jan 1980; the PPR is launched on 4 Apr 1993 (registered 8 Jun 1993) as the merger of the PDS and the PDC; the PPB is founded on 14 Sep 1995 (registered 16 Nov 1995) as the merger of the PPR and the PP (which appeared in 1993 as the merger of the PTR and the PST); the PPB is renamed to Progressive Party (PP) on 4 Apr 2003. The party adopted the name Progressistas on 16 Aug 2017.

Presidents of PL, PR
Álvaro Bastos do Valle         1985-2000 (†2000)
Valdemar Costa Neto            2000-2005   
Sérgio Victor Tamer            2006-2010
Alfredo Pereira do Nascimento  2010-2016
Antonio Carlos Rodrigues       2016-2018
José Tadeu Candelária          2018-2020
Valdemar Costa Neto            2020-

PL was founded by splinters of PFL on 27 Jun 1985 (registered 25 Feb 1988). On 24 Oct 2006 it merged with PRONA to create the PR. The party was named PL again on 7 May 2019.

Presidents of PTB
Paulo Baeta Neves                    1945-1948 (†1966)
Joaquim Pedro Salgado (Filho)        1948-1950 (†1950) (acting)  
Danton Neves Coelho                  1950-1951 (†1961) (acting)
Dinarte Rei Dornelles                1951-1952 (†1963)
João Belchior Marques Goulart        1952-1964 (†1976) 
José Ermírio de Moraes               1964-1965 (†1973) 
Lutero Sarmanho Vargas               1965      (†1989)

Ivete Vargas Tatsch                  1980-1984 (†1984)
Ricardo Christiano Ribeiro           1984      (†2020)
Luiz Gonzaga de Paiva Muniz          1984-1993 (†1993)
Manoel Antonio Rodrigues Palma       1993-1994 
José Eduardo de Andrade Vieira       1994-1999 (†2015)
José Carlos de Castro Martínez       1999-2003 (†2003)
Roberto Jefferson Monteiro Francisco 2003-2005 
Flávio de Castro Martinez            2005-2006         (acting)
Roberto Jefferson Monteiro Francisco 2006-2014
Cristiane Brasil Francisco           2014-2016
Roberto Jefferson Monteiro Francisco 2016-

The original PTB was founded on 15 May 1945 by Getúlio Vargas and was disbanded by military decree on 27 Oct 1965. In May 1980 the new PTB was established (registered 3 Nov 1981). The PSD (registered 16 Mar 1990) merged into the PTB on 15 Dec 2002.

Presidents of PSB
João Mangabeira                   1947-1964 (†1964)      

Antônio Houaiss                   1985-1986 (†1999)
Jamil Haddad                      1986-1993 (†2009)
Miguel Arraes de Alencar          1993-2005 (†2005)
Eduardo Henrique Accioly Campos   2005-2014 (†2014)
Roberto Átila Amaral Vieira       2014
Carlos Roberto Siqueira de Barros 2014-

The original PSB was founded on 6 Aug 1947 and was disbanded by military decree on 27 Oct 1965. On 13 Jul 1985 the new PSB was established (registered 1 Jul 1988).

Presidents of PSL
Luciano Caldas Bivar            1998-2018
Gustavo Bebianno Rocha          2018
Antonio de Rueda                2018      (interim)
Luciano Caldas Bivar            2018-

PSL was founded on 30 Oct 1994 (registered 2 Jun 1998).

Presidents of PDT
Leonel de Moura Brizola         1980-2004 (†2004)
Carlos Roberto Lupi             2004-    

PDT was founded on 6 Jun 1980 (registered 10 Nov 1981).

Presidents of PRB, Republicanos
Vitor Paulo Araújo dos Santos   2003-2011
Marcos Antônio Pereira          2011-   

PRB was founded on 16 Dec 2003 (registered 25 Aug 2005). The party was renamed Republicanos in 2019

Presidents of PCdoB
João Amazonas de Souza Pedroso     1962-2001 (†2002)
José Renato Rabelo                 2001-2015
Luciana Barbosa de Oliveira Santos 2015-

PCdoB was founded on 18 Feb 1962 (registered 23 Jun 1988).

Spokesmen of REDE
Maria Osmarina Marina Silva            2013-2014
Cassio Martinho de Oliveira Soares     2013-2014
Walter Feldman                         2014
Gabriela Barbosa                       2014-2016
Bazileu Alves Margarido Neto           2014-2016
Maria Osmarina Marina Silva            2016-2018
José Gustavo Favaro Barbosa Silva      2016-2018
Lais Alves Garcia                      2018-2021
Pedro Ivo Batista                      2018-2021
Heloísa Helena Lima de Moraes Carvalho 2021-
Wesley Elderson Diógenes Nogueira      2021-

REDE was founded on 16 Feb 2013 (registered 22 Sep 2015).

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